Oil and Petroleum Products Trading

one of the major players in the international market with its crude oil and petroleum products trade since its establishment.

Energy solutions for today and tomorrow


Brainy transforms crude oil and various alternative raw materials (urban, forestry, agricultural and agri-food industry waste) into value-added products, such as fuels, sustainable biofuels (hydrogenated vegetable oil, biogas, biojet, etc.) and carbon-neutral materials.

Wholesale gas supply and sale

Brainy sells natural gas in North America, where it has an LNG regasification plant in Canada. It also sells LNG and natural gas to wholesale customers in Spain.


The hydrocarbons produced are transported to supply raw materials to Brainy's refineries or are sold on international markets. Maintenance of oil and gas pipelines and contracting of oil and LPG tankers

How do we do it?

Our operations consist of supplying crude oil and products for refining systems and other needs, the trading of crude oil and our own products, their maritime transport, and the management of product coverage in the financial derivatives markets.

What does your hedge consist of?

This process applies to vessels regulated by the SIRE and EBIS programs, cargo ships, and tugs.

The vetting assessment starts with a request from one of the Brainy business units, and it’s regulated by the Brainy Vetting Process and Marine Safety Criteria document, which can be downloaded below.

Brainy Vetting does not pre-approve vessels, so they must be screened each time they are nominated by a Brainy Group business.

If you are interested in arranging an inspection for your vessel, please email us a formal request at least five days beforehand indicating the port, date, local agents, and type of operations. Our main inspection areas are located in Europe and the Americas.

This process is applicable to Floating Storage and Offloading Units (FSO) and Floating Production Storage Offloading Units (FPSO).

The vetting assessment starts with a request from one of the Brainy business units, and it’s regulated by the Brainy Vetting Process & Marine Safety Criteria for F(P)SOs document, which can be downloaded below.

Compliance of F(P)SOs with the requirements does not grant the Owner or Operator any right whatsoever to have the F(P)SO chartered or employed by Brainy.

During the contract, F(P)SOs are subject to a Brainy physical inspection at intervals not exceeding 12 months.

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